Judul |
Islam & The West |
Editor (Penyunting) |
Chaider S. Bamualim, Dick van der Meij, Karlina Helmanita |
Penerbit |
Pusat Bahasa dan budaya UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, November 2003 |
Kategori |
2 Kumpulan Tulisan Bersama, Judul Buku, Karya Tulis Gus Dur |
Arsip Tahun |
2003 |
Judul Tulisan
- Murni Djamal
- Norbert Eschborn
- Editors
Part 1. Islamism, Democracy, and the “Clash of Civilizations”
- Islam and the West: Some Cursory Remarks on Recent Trends (Taufik Abdullah)
- Islamism, Democracy, and the “Clash of Civilizations” (Bassam Tibi)
- Religious Resurgence at the End of the Twentieth Century (Elizabeth F. Collins)
- Islam, Democracy, and the “Clash of Civilizations” (Komaruddin Hidayat)
Part 2. Media and the Politics of Image Making
- Fighting Demons in the Kingdom of the Blind: Media and the Politics of Demonization in the Wake of September 11 (Farish A. Noor)
- Media and the Politics of Image Making (Parni Hadi)
Part 3. The Palestine-Israel Issue: In Search of Peaceful Relations
- The Palestine-Israel Issue: In Search of Peaceful Relations (Azyumardi Azra)
- The Arab-Israeli Conflict and Hostility to the West in Arab and Islamic Countries (Osama Ghazali al-Harb)
Part 4. Muslim and Christian Minorities in Western and Muslim Countries
- The September 11 Tragedy: Crash or Breakthrough in Muslim-Christian Relation? (Alex Soesilo Wijoyo, S.J)
- Historical Burden and Promising Future among Muslim and Christian Minorities in Western and Muslim Countries (lik Arifin Mansurnoor)
- The Muslim Community of the Netherlands before and after September 11, 2001. Some Analytical and Comparative Notes (Johan H. Meuleman)
Part 5. September 11: The Issue of Terrorism and the Growing Tension between Islam and the West
- A Theology of Terror: The “Religious” Thought of Osama bin Laden, the Taliban, and Hizb al-Tahrir al-Islami (Mark R. Woodward)
- Islam and the West (Abdurrahman Wahid)
- Islam and the West Post September 11, 2001 (Juwono Sudarsono)
Part 6. Some Remarks on Obstacles and Solutions in Search of a New World Civilization
- Clash and Dialogue in the New World of Noopolitik (Globalized Knowledge Politics) (John O. Voll)
- The Clash of Ideologies: Secularism versus Islamism (M. Amin Abdullah)
- Dialogue among Civilizations: In Search of a Just and Pluralistic World Order (Bassam Tibi)
- The Selling of Souls and the Shortness of Democracy: Reversing the Course of September 11 Discourses Through the Universal Virtues of Politics (Mochtar Pabottingi)
Contributors and Editors